Your message is really heartwarming. Your passionate words of promises can make every lady’s heart flattered. At first, yes, I was flattered, but having second thoughts, I would honestly say that your flowery words full of idealistic promises are really hard to believe. I know that life is not perfect so how can you prove to me that you can hold on to your perfect promises forever.
I don’t need the beds of roses, pretty gowns, finest jewelries for these are all material things that may fade and rotten as the time goes by. For me, love cannot be measured by these worldly things.
I am a simple lady who wants genuine love. I live realistically like an ordinary person who is aware that love should not be proven with earthly vows for these will only turn me off. Real love can be proven by your acts and views. Would your love lasts even if I am already old and weak? Would you still love in spite of my imperfections?
If you can prove it to me then I will accept your love…
Truly yours,